Published onFebruary 20, 2024Open Source: Current State and Future Hopesopen-sourceMy views on where we are with open source after attending three different open source events organized by three completely different parties
Published onOctober 5, 2023AsyncAPI Executive Director - What does it even mean?asyncapiopen-sourceLet me clarify what it means that I'm an Execitive Director of AsyncAPI Initiative and let me set some goals for the future.
Published onMay 22, 2023Creating MQTT client code generator with AsyncAPI 2.xasyncapicodegenIn this article I'm exploring how to create a code generation template. My requirements are to use AsyncAPI document and AsyncAPI Generator.
Published onNovember 6, 2022Town Square for tech is GitHub, far away from Twitteropen-sourceNo, this post is not about Musk. I don't care who facilitates town square as long as people that come to the square are not abused.
Published onApril 8, 2022Is it worth using Open Source for political statements?open-sourceOn 8th of January the creator of faker.js and colors.js made a pretty visible political statement at the expence of the open-source community. Was it worth it?